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Sudipta Saha  /   2 minutes

The white-label card game solution offers a countless number of benefits to investors 

The idea of launching a white-label card game is that you are actually renting the online casino product from a third party who will be providing you with all sorts of technological as well as operational infrastructure and you can concentrate on core marketing, promotion, and branding aspect of your business. For this, the investor has to provide upfront cash which is in the form of the setup fee to the white-label card game solution provider.

The best thing about the white-label solution is that the gaming investor needs to buy the card game software, design the website, and promote it. For starting a white-label card game business online, a gaming operator requires the following things which are mentioned below:

A White Label Gaming Solution Provider 

This is one of the most crucial steps for starting your own white label gaming solution. Take out your time and evaluate all the possible options which are available in the market both in terms of cost as well as quality. Look for a gaming solution provider that offers flexible and completely customizable white-label gaming software that facilitates you to have complete control over the game development procedure from the start to the finish.

Obtaining a gaming license from the concerned jurisdiction

As the provider of the online casino game, you have to apply for the license in the country where you are looking to set up and operate your business. If you want to escape from the hassle of getting a gambling license and reduce the expenditure, then you can become the licensee of the gaming software provider company.

Deciding upon the financial scheme

Just like obtaining the license for starting the online casino business, the gaming operator also has to create his independent financial infrastructure. This means opening the merchant accounts with the payment gateway provider for processing the deposits and the withdrawals. This is a time-consuming task and in case you want to reduce the time and want to launch your product fast in the market, then going for the white-label casino solution is the best thing to do.

The white-label solution provider not only takes care of the legal issues but will also be extending you the ready-to-use financial infrastructure for a quick and convenient payment handling process.

The white-label casino provider is not only to extend best-in-class card gaming software but also ensures an extremely successful launch of the project

The white label gaming solution provider extends its full support to the clients from the start of the online casino project to the stage of its successful realization. The gaming operator is provided with complete platform settings, content integration, and assistance with casino licensing, web designing, payment systems, marketing strategy for promotions, affiliate program support, and many more things.

The goal of the white-label casino provider is not only to extend the best-in-class card gaming software but also to ensure the extremely successful launch of the project.

Looking to start white-label iGaming software with attractive graphics and smooth game-play at an affordable price, Visit: Card Game Development

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