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The community of online gaming is growing at a very fast pace. We can understand from this point that every three people are playing a game out of the five players. If we go from the data then the overall count of users now stands at 2.5 billion. These users are playing online games from approximately over 35O million electronic gadgets. This information shows the craze for online gaming not only in India but also in the world. After the advent of high technology and innovation electronic gadgets have become cheaper than earlier which has made tech revolutions in the world. Everybody in the world now has a smartphone, tablet, laptop, and personal computer. This is the cause why more and more users will add to the online gaming industry.
History of Online Game
The history of online games started in the 1970s when people were using packet-based computers. As time passed, the first game came into the market named MUD 1 in 1978.
The online commercial game entered for the audience in 1984 was a role-playing game. The MSX graphic-linked game was an action game in 1986. After that, the flight simulator Air Warrior game was released in 1987 and the Famicom Modem’s online go game came in 1987.
What are the statistics that reveal online gaming affecting our generation and revenue?
Superdata reveals its data report on online gaming industries. It discloses that the online gaming market has evolved from $120 billion in 2020 to $139 billion in 2021. You see the pace of the transformation of online gaming.
Statista, a global assessor, stated about the online gaming users in different territories. For instance, 1.4 billion in Asia, 377 million in the Middle East and Africa. In addition, North America and Latin America have 210 million and 277 million online gaming users.
From the above data, you can judge how the online gaming industries have affected people across the world. So, investors are putting their money into online game development.
Why do entrepreneurs put funds into online gaming industries in 2022?
Let us understand this concept from the future of the online gaming industry.
According to Deloitte, online gaming will evolve standing out at $100 billion by 2022. But how? It is, indeed possible to make technology penetrations like AI, IoT, and VR. These technologies have made the user experience in gaming realistic.
The recent active internet users will be 829 million by 2022 an increase from 459 million users in 2017. That shows how internet users are growing which makes the online gaming market more lucrative.
That is why investors or entrepreneurs park their funds in investing in online gaming.
Factors influencing the online gaming business in 2022
1. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is intelligence sans human brains. How can it support online gaming? It provides you with a social and personalized gaming experience that renders a competitive game.
High-tech game developers like Mobzway technologies are implementing technologically advanced training tools that focus on machine learning. What is the use of these tools? You can make new game strategies and learn new skills while playing the game from these tools.
Thus, investors put their money into online gaming development as more users will these online gamers after the inclusion of artificial intelligence.
2. Cloud Gaming
Gaming as a service is recognized as cloud gaming. Why do you need to insert cloud computing into online games? The reason is that you can transfer your gaming data to remote users with a server; it means no need for high-speed internet connectivity like in rural areas.
You do not require a Laptop that has advanced features. From cloud gaming, you can play the game effectively without the need for high-end and expensive hardware in your electronic device. It implies that underprivileged people can play these online games with cloud gaming. That consequences enhancement of gaming users across the users especially in the Middle East and Asia.
By investing in cloud gaming technologies, entrepreneurs can control over high revenue that will come from the engagement of gaming users.
3. Virtual and Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality means moving something in a digital world but it appears realistic. Whereas Augmented Reality implies that more addition in virtual reality makes it completely realistic in the environment.
How can they enhance the gaming experience of users? When you play the game which includes virtual and augmented reality, you feel the same sound, pictures, and living experience as in a realistic world.
Owing to technological innovation, these technologies are now available in cheap electronic gadgets such as smartphones and laptops. Thus, middle and underprivileged people can also play online games with real experience. However, including these technologies in the online game is not an easy task. It requires a special skill set in developers, like Mobzway Technologies which has vast experience adding these features in the game.
4. The advent of 5-Generation Technology
The introduction of 5 Generation Internet technology has created a revolution in the gaming market. The cause is now people can play cloud gaming easily without hassle due to fast internet connectivity.
You do not need to install any game infrastructure in the cloud, you can play the online game directly with the use of the internet.
From the advent of the 5 Generation internet, overall online users will reach 2 billion out of which 820 million will be in India by 2022. This will explain the story of the lucrative online gaming market.
To reap the benefits of 5G technology, entrepreneurs land their financial resources in online game development.
5. Numerous Gaming Tournaments or Events for Prize Money
After the addition of substantial pool prize money in tournaments, users are more engaged in the online game. Why are users more engaging in online games? Because they enjoy the game for a longer period and play with the community to earn a lucrative income from the online game.
Let us take some examples of the data. European gaming users have earned more than $2 billion in only two months from online gaming. They play a total of 5288 tournaments earning $2.3 billion from the online games.
For this, you understand how important prize money is in adding viewerships and revenue. You should hire game developers and publishers like Mobzway Technologies, which is able to add this feature to the game.
6. High Fidelity Graphics
High-fidelity graphics add new experiences in online gaming like perfect pictures, videos, and animated scenes in the online game. These graphics are supportable in Android and IOS, web, and desktop mode versions.
Are users attracted to the online game by adding high-fidelity graphics? Yes, they are engaged in online games because they can play these high-graphic games on their smartphone while sitting at home. They do not need investment to play the online game except for internet connectivity. That is why these graphical trends influence the future of this business.
However, you should remember only experiential game developers like Mobzway Technologies, can insert high-fidelity graphics in the online game which supports all versions of the applications.
7. Metaverse Advancement
Metaverse is a persistent virtual online environment or online cyberspace that incorporates broad internet functions. How can it assist you in online gaming? You can play various online games with social chats or interactions with multiple players. That causes more and more communities across the world to engage through the metaverse environment. That will increase the number of gaming users and the promotion of online games.
It is a combination of both virtual and augmented reality headsets. Thus, how you will feel from the metaverse, you are living in second or virtual life. That experience enhances the modern gaming experience through a metaverse advancement by using a laptop and smartphone. That is why users are attracted to this feature of online gaming.
Metaverse advancement is one of the trends that affect the online gaming industry by attracting users.
8. Blockchain-Based Gaming
Blockchain is the data encryption technology. What will it assist in online gaming? Blockchain keeps away hackers and modifiers from tampering with online users’ data and transaction history.
What features do you avail of from blockchain-based gaming? You can secure in-application purchases and greater control over the game. Besides, you store application data and transaction history.
Players are investing more money in online games due to secure medium and cryptocurrency-acceptable online gaming platforms. However, blockchain implementation in online game applications is not simple work. This should require highly specialized game software developers like Mobzway technologies, which are using cutting-edge technologies to insert this feature in the online game.
9. Competitive Multiplayer Inclusion
Owing to the inclusion of multiplayer options that have made the online game more competitive and engrossing. The reason is, that more and more users can compete with others to cross their luck to take prize money. For this, they are putting money through the application purchases of coins or chips of the online games.
Apart from that, players can interact with other players, which means social interaction will increase among them.
From the above points, you can understand how these features can affect the online gaming business by adding users.
10. Cross Platforms Playing
Cross-platform playing means online games can be played through any medium web and desktop mode, Android or IOS, and in gaming consoles. How can it be possible to cross platforms for playing online games? With the help of skilled game developers such as Mobzway Technologies, which have prepared the game code that converts all medium supportable games into reality.
What will help this cross-platform for users? Now multiple users can play online games through different electronic gadgets and compete with their rivals. That will raise the gaming audience which is why investors put their financial resources to reap the profits from the online game development.
Why choose Mobzway Technologies to help in making online game development that have all the features?
We are discussing some of the important advice on why you prefer Mobzway technologies for specialized online game development.
- It is one of the leading software providers not only in India but also in the world.
- We utilize an advanced level of gaming programming and coding that fulfills your online game from the full securing features set.
- It inserts high-definition graphical features in your online game that offer VR and AR reality touch.
- It will add back office and Customer resource management tools. These tools consist of the dashboard, user and sub-admin, gaming rooms, tournaments, promotions, and many more.
- It prepares the online game development in a quick manner and delivers the game within time.
- Mobzway offers free or cost-free gaming business consultation and advice.
- It utilizes the latest gaming solutions that are cost-effective for you.

Final Thoughts
From the above paragraph, we say that over the past gaming industries have grown at a very fast pace. This is possible through the utilization of cutting edge technologies and trends in online game development. That will help all people in engaging and playing the online game. And this has happened through the hard work of developers like Mobzway Technologies, which invent or innovate new technologies. Mobzway Technologies developers have honed their skills in artificial intelligence, automated and virtual reality, and blockchain technologies. over the years. That is always ready to help you develop your own gaming application. So that your game meets all modern trends of the online gaming industry.