Technological Trends in Live and Online Casino You Must Know

Just think of the word ‘casino’ and you’ll recall Hollywood films like Casino Royale, Casino, Ocean’s Eleven, The Gambler, Mississippi Grind, Vegas Vacation, and many others. These movies have very well highlighted the trends of the super-luxury traditional online casino...

Sonu Singhal


December 16, 2021  /   2 minutes

The Evolution of the Casino from Land-based to Live Dealer

The decline of Land-Based Casinos

Land-based casino industries have decreased in recent years since the inception of online casinos that have transitioned into the now popular 

Sudipta Saha


December 19, 2019  /   2 minutes

How Live Dealer Games are Replacing The Traditional Online Casino Games

Live dealer games differ from traditional online games due to the human interaction aspect, whereas ordinary online casino games only rely on the online casino sof...

Sudipta Saha


December 13, 2019  /   2 minutes